The Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) has developed a starter kit to assist municipalities and suppliers with the implementation of the Single Digital Gateway regulation (Annex 2). The kit includes various documents, such as guidelines and templates.
Annex 2
The Single Digital Gateway (SDG) provides easy access to digital government services across the European Union through the ‘Your Europe’ portal. Here, EU residents and businesses can find reliable information about government services, products, and procedures in all member states (Annex 1). Over 60% of municipalities in the Netherlands have already completed Annex 1.
The next step (Annex 2) involves granting EU citizens and businesses access to online procedures. Municipalities need to, among other things, activate an international payment method so that European citizens and businesses can log in with their authentication tools. This is facilitated through a connection to the eIDAS infrastructure. The starter kit serves as a tool to achieve Annex 2. It includes the following documents and form designs:
- Guidelines for implementing SDG Annex 2 for municipal products
- Guidelines for scaling municipal products to the internal market
- Overview of SDG scaling for the internal market Annex 2
- Manual for connecting to eIDAS
- Online payment roadmap for the public sector
View and download these documents on the VNG website at the bottom of the page.
Curious for more?
Moving to France, starting a business in Italy, or studying in Germany? Thanks to the Single Digital Gateway, this will soon be easy to arrange. Presently, various governments are working hard to align their services with the requirements of the SDG regulation. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), as the National Coordinator, ensures implementation within its own member state. Additionally, it facilitates connections with the European Commission and other member states. Dutch government organisations subject to the regulation are themselves responsible for implementing the SDG regulation.
If you are involved in SDG implementation and have questions, please contact the National Coordinator Single Digital Gateway office at