The Information Security Service of Dutch Municipalities (IBD) employs a new management tool to monitor the IT infrastructure of municipalities. This tool, the Darktrace External Attack Surface Management (EASM), continuously scans for vulnerabilities and digital threats, allowing for quicker identification and mitigation.
When vulnerabilities are detected, municipalities are immediately and automatically notified. Depending on the severity, the IBD provides advice and support to resolve the issues. All municipalities have access to the Darktrace portal, which displays current alerts.
About the Information Security Service
The IBD serves as the Computer Emergency Response Team for all municipalities in the Netherlands and is part of the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG). The service supports information security and acts as a liaison with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). It contributes to the Government Baseline for Information Security (BIO) and regularly publishes knowledge products, such as the ‘behaviour-by-design’ toolkit, a set of tools aimed at improving security awareness within municipal organisations.
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