Digitalisation has major implications for how we live and work. It is changing society dramatically. The influence of digitalisation is everywhere: the internet, smartphones, apps and online platforms have become an integral part of our existence. New technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI) will only increase that impact.
If the Netherlands does not properly prepare for this fundamental change, there is a risk that we will miss opportunities and that society will be saddled with products and services that do not serve our interests and pose great risks. There are already numerous examples, from the deliberate dissemination of misleading information to distort public debate to discriminatory algorithms by government agencies.
Finding solutions starts with asking the right questions. What digital world do we want to live in? How do we ensure that everyone can trust the digital world and participate? The answers to such questions have a common denominator: if we want digital technology to continue to work for our society, and if we want to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate risks, digitalisation must be values-driven and people-centric in its design, and society, the business community and government must work together. The Cabinet has been working on this, in part by appointing the first coordinating Minister for Digitalisation who is further shaping this values-driven digitalisation with her fellow ministers.
The Work Agenda
The Cabinet presented the main policy outlines of society’s digital transition in March 2022, after which the Values-Driven Digitalisation Work Agenda was presented to the House of Representatives on 4 November. Together with the National Cybersecurity Strategy, the Digital Economy Strategy, the further development of the Generic Digital Infrastructure and the Coalitions for a Digital Society Agenda, the government is laying the foundation for this Work Agenda. The Work Agenda focuses on the conditions for values-driven implementation and digitalisation in society, with an eye for both opportunities and risks. It is based on the understanding that everyone should be able to participate, maintain trust in digitalisation and have control over their digital lives, with a government that sets a good example, seizes Values-Driven Digitalisation Work Agenda opportunities and pays attention to all parts of the Kingdom.
These ambitions have been translated into five tracks:
1. Everyone Must Be Able to Participate in the Digital Age
2. Everyone Must Be Able to Trust in the Digital World
3. Everyone Must Have Control Over Their Digital Live
4. The Digital Government Must Adhere to a Values-Driven and Transparent Methodology
5. Strengthening the Digital Society in the Dutch Caribbean
Priorities within the tracks have been identified and indicate where the focus will be in the coming year. Each priority has its own objectives and activities that together make the shared ambitions become a reality.
One year underway
One year into the project, it is time take stock. First, we examined the added value of the selected approach, based on an open dialogue with society, through sessions with experts from the scientific community, civil society, and business, as well as in connection with European and international bodies. A good example is the creation of the cabinet-wide vision for generative AI. Citizens, scientists, policy makers and entrepreneurs worked together to define the relationship society should have with this technology.
Another example is the approach in the intergovernmental data strategy that has continued to mature. Be it climate, logistics, healthcare, nature and other domains, data can be used everywhere to move our country forward and drive the availability and quality of facilities. At the same time, it is important to ensure that data is only shared responsibly. To help government organisations do so, a responsible data use advisory function has been established to assist in determining what is technically possible, legally permissible and ethically desirable. The federated data system was also expanded to help parties collate and exchange data from different sources responsibly.
Another important theme the Work Agenda has focused on is reducing the influence of disinformation, such as during the recent general election in the Netherlands. Disinformation can intentionally mislead citizens and influence their thought processes. The past year was spent working on making citizens more resilient, strengthening public debate and promoting open-source alternatives such as and Mastodon as digital community assets. Investments were also made in PubHubs and Public Spaces, and a start was made on identifying and promoting meaningful digital community assets with NLNet and the SIDN fund. Regulations have been tightened, including through the Digital Services Act. The 19 largest platforms and search engines, such as Apple, YouTube, Meta, X, AliExpress and, are now subject to stricter obligations.
Digital skills
Adequate digital skills also lead to resilience. Many children and adults struggle to use digital media consciously, critically and actively. Business owners and employees sometimes struggle to respond appropriately to digital opportunities and risks. Public, social and private sectors cooperate through the Work Agenda to support everyone who lacks an adequate digital skillset. This could involve working with VNG and Alliantie Digitaal Samenleven to set up central information points citizens can turn to with all their questions. Learning offerings have also been increased, and attention has been paid to informal methods of learning at times and places convenient for the user. Lastly, online tools are developed, such as the Digihandig app, which can be used on smartphones.
Human rights
Attention has been paid to safeguarding human rights in digitalisation to increase confidence in the process. The IAMA (human rights assessment) has been developed for discussion and decision-making concerning the use of algorithms by government agencies. Specifically for children, a children’s rights assessment (KIA) has been developed, and the European Better Internet for Kids has become available. Setting a standard and providing tools to test that standard helps shape values-driven digitalisation. Feeling in control of all developments and decisions stimulates trust. To that end, an online overview has been established where citizens can see how a government decision was made and what data was used to do so. Eventually, all government decisions (more than 600) will be clarified on the website (This is limited by statutory or justified exceptions that apply when weighing interests in the context of investigations, law enforcement, Ministry of Defence, intelligence gathering, etc.) Citizens can also visit to see which data the government uses most often and which organisations are notified when personal data in the Personal Records Database is amended, such as when a person moves house.
Digital services
The Work Agenda also focused on improving services. For example, MijnZaken (a user-friendly track and trace service that gives residents, business owners and municipal employees insight into the status of a request for a product or service) was implemented and tested in six municipalities. This improves service and avoids unnecessary contact. Services have also been improved and focused more on the needs of specific life events, such as turning 18 or starting a business. More life events will be used to improve services in the coming period.
Key to these services is the ease with which citizens and business owners can verify their identity. The Digital Government Act (Wdo) stipulates that Dutch citizens and businesses must be able to log in to public or semi-public sector organisations securely and reliably. Under the Wdo, people must have a choice of login method. To further expand this palette, work has begun on developing the prototype of an open-source digital identity wallet that will allow users to log in and share data. In the area of identity, age verification capabilities were further developed. The roadmap contains a set of minimum requirements for such a system to help developers of online products and services integrate it into their services. The roadmap will be tested in an actual case study in the coming period. We are also investigating whether the requirements can be included in international standards such as NEN or ISO.
Privacy and data protection are also closely monitored during such developments. EU legislation and regulations, such as the GDPR, provide a solid foundation for protecting privacy online. Compliance with legislation and regulations is an extremely important task for the government, as the government should set an example in this regard. However, the Values-Driven Digitalisation Work Agenda complexity of such regulations can also lead to reluctance to share data, even in cases where sharing data is lawful and desirable. This issue is also addressed in the Work Agenda.
Cyber security
In an age when the world around us is unsettled, security is critical. Using JenV’s Cybersecurity Strategy as a guiding instrument, work has been done to strengthen digital security and resilience. For example, the Revised European Network and Information Security Directive raised the basic standard for organisations. At the same time, efforts have been made to provide appropriate support. This includes creating tools to help government organisations procure ICT products and services securely and developing a government-wide approach to red-teaming (a security test that simulates a cyber attack on an organisation with the aim to test the security measures and learn from them. Based on the findings, improvement plans are developed to improve resilience) to detect infrastructure vulnerabilities as quickly as possible. Work has been done on a single secure government extension to help citizens quickly distinguish fake websites from genuine government websites. The impact of new technologies, such as quantum computing, has also been examined. More computing power may require revising current cryptography methods. It is important to be prepared for this on time.
In the past year, work has also been done to arrange the state’s data and information management properly. Information is an essential raw material for the operation of our public administration and vital for accountability in our democracy. No information should be lost, nor should there be any doubt as to the accuracy and authenticity thereof. Departments, municipalities, provinces and water authorities are working hard on improving information management to enable open government. The cabinet has added further concrete requirements for the provision of information to the House of Representatives. For instance, all documents sent to Parliament must also be accompanied by supporting “decision memorandums”. A Government Information Management Commissioner has been appointed to map out and stimulate the government-wide change assignment. An Advisory Board on Openness andInformation Management has been set up to monitor, mediate and provide solicited and unsolicited advice.
Dutch Caribbean
In the Dutch Caribbean, facilities have been strengthened to enable citizens and businesses to participate fully. For example, arrangements have beenmade for students from the Dutch Caribbean to obtain a citizen service number before they come to study in the Netherlands, and a bill has been discussed that would enable all residents of the Dutch Caribbean to receive a citizen service number. This would make more digital government services available later, such as DigiD. The improvement of basic services such as available, affordable and stable internet and increased access to the online domain was examined, including for people who do not have the necessary facilities at home.
Values-driven digitalisation has a European and global component. The Netherlands is appreciated internationally. Our values-driven digitalisation method is catching on in the EU and international organisations such as the UN, OECD, UNESCO, Council of Europe and G20/G7. The Netherlands is an example of how to partner with Big Tech while still keeping them on their toes. The Dutch effort is also being used to tighten EU legislation such as the AI-Act, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA). Lastly, the Netherlands will again chair the Freedom Online Coalition in 2024. The Freedom Online Coalition ensures that internet freedom and human rights issues remain on the international policy agenda.
Continuing in 2024
Developments in the digital domain follow each other in rapid succession. As such, it has been agreed with the House of Representatives to update the Work Agenda annually. This Updated Work Agenda is the result. The ambition remains the same, as does the way of working with citizens, businesses, scientists and civil society organisations in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. We will leave no one behind, maintain confidence in digital developments, and put everyone in control of their digital lives. At the same time, goals and activities were refined:
- Firstly, because goals were achieved. The results achieved in 2023 are indicated for each priority.
- The refinements are also the result of a better understanding of what is needed to achieve goals. A good example is Track 5, which focuses on the Dutch Caribbean. Collaboration with local parties has made it much clearer where needs, opportunities and risks lie. Activities have been adjusted accordingly, and an additional priority has been added to more clearly distinguish ambitions. Another example is the influencing of international bodies and input into the creation of EU regulations. This Work Agenda separates that more clearly from the implementation of EU regulations. Two priorities have now been named instead of one.
- Finally, updates can also be necessary because a development has become much more dominant. The most obvious example of this is generative AI and the opportunities and risks it presents. This Work Agenda puts more emphasis on AI for that reason. The five tracks remain leading. Within those tracks, seventeen priorities were identified within which values-driven digitalisation continues to take shape.
The 5 tracks remain leading. Within those tracks, 17 priorities were identified within which values-driven digitalisation continues to take shape. Feasibility and financial coverage are important to achieving the objectives. The following approach will be used:
- Existing initiatives are covered from the appropriate portions of departmental budgets. The consequences of accelerating existing initiatives are first reviewed, including the impact on existing activities and resources.
- Any financial impact of policies arising from EU regulations should be adapted in accordance with the budget discipline rules.
- The Interior Ministry will reprioritise its budget where necessary for the development of new policies for which it is primarily responsible. The consequences of new initiatives are still being reviewed, including the impact on existing activities, resources and possible phasing.
- The option to request EU funds or submit proposals to the National Growth Fund with private parties may be considered.
Ambition, goals and activities are presented in the same way within each priority of every track. First, the more general issues are described as follows:
Social challenge
Description of the situation and representation of where the government wants or needs to contribute to achieving the desired situation.
Results achieved in 2023
Description of the most important things accomplished in 2023.
Then goals and indicators are named as in the table below:
Goals | Indicators |
Description of goals. | Description of indicators to monitor progress. |
The desired results are then presented as follows:
Description | Result for 2024 | Implementor – By whom,with whom |
Description of the generic result. | Description of the result desired in 2024. | Description of the organisation(s) involved. |
The 5 tracks
1. Everyone Must Be Able to Participate in the Digital Age
- Improving digital skills and knowledge among citizens, entrepreneurs and workers
- Implementing accessible digital government services that make people’s lives easier
- Influencing international bodies and organisations to also adopt a values-driven approach to digitalisation.
View more on challenges, goals and actions for Track 1.
2. Everyone Must Be Able to Trust the Digital World
- Protecting public values as the foundation of a responsible digital transition. These values should guide the development and use of digital applications.
- Reducing the influence of disinformation and strengthening public debate so that everyone can make choices based on reliable information.
- Privacy and data protection because proportionate and lawful data processing is an important prerequisite for trust in government.
- Increasing the understanding of the impact of new digital technologies so that citizens understand applications and can use them with confidence.
- Cybersecurity to work toward a digitally secure and resilient society and government.
- The implementation of national and EU regulations by business and government, compliance and monitoring.
View more on challenges, goals and actions for Track 2.
3. Everyone Must Be in Control of Their Digital Lives
- Data control to ensure that citizens and business owners have clarity on what information the government has on them, can change things and have access to the data when needed.
- An Identity System to provide access to digital services in accordance with the Digital Government Act at the appropriate level of trustworthiness.
- Values-driven and people-oriented development and deployment of AI and algorithms.
View more on challenges, goals and actions for Track 3.
4. The Digital Government Must Adhere to a Values-Driven and Transparent Methodology
- Government information management is used to give citizens, organisations and parliament insight into the government’s actions and decisions.
- Government data management to give citizens confidence that their personal data is being handled properly.
- The government’s ICT organisation and ICT systems to enable these ambitions.
View more on challenges, goals and actions for Track 4.
5. Strengthening the Digital Society in the Dutch Caribbean
- Be digitally mature so that everyone in the Dutch Caribbean has access to sufficient knowledge, services and facilities to fully benefit from opportunities and adequately mitigate risks.
- Collaborate on the digital foundation with the society, business community and government of Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten to ensure that they are adequately equipped.
View more on challenges, goals and actions for Track 5.