In the following table, you will find a description of priority 1.3 “Effectuate Values-Driven National and EU Regulations” with the desired results for 2024 and the organisations responsible for implementation:
Description | Result for 2024 | Implementor – By whom, with whom |
1. Make public values and implementability for private and public parties a structural part of the input for European legislative processes. One way we do this is by proactively participating in European forums where legislation is prepared and discussed. We align our input with the needs of fellow governments and implementing organisations as much as possible. The same values-driven message is at the core of engagement in international organisations, globally relevant forums and venues. We actively contribute to discussions and policy-making here. |
BZK, EZK, JenV, OCW, BZ and other ministries, together with VNG, IPO and UvW, as much as possible. |
To go straight to the next Track, see 2. Everyone Must Be Able to Trust in the Digital World.
To go back to the Track 1 overview page, see 1. Everyone Must Be Able to Participate in the Digital World.