In the following table, you will find a description of priority 2.1 “Safeguard Public Values” with the desired results for 2024 and the organisations responsible for implementation:
Description | Result for 2024 | Implementor – By whom, with whom |
1. Explore options for developing a mandatory badge (or other tool) to make the assurance of public values in technology transparent to citizens, including for use in public procurement. |
BZK, all other ministries, inter-administrative,implementing organisations, the business community |
2. Conduct regular impact assessments (e.g., human rights and children’s rights impact assessments) on digital services with a substantial impact on citizens. |
BZK, government authorities |
3. Organise the debate on value tensions on a fixed platform with authority. |
BZK, SER, all other ministries, inter-administrative |
4. Set clearer standards and limits for online gaming and gambling. |
BZK, OCW, VWS, EZK and JenV |
5. Protect children’s online rights and protect children from and empower them to deal with harmful content. (This partially answers the motion by members Cedar and Bontenbal to discuss the Parliamentary Assembly’s recommendations to improve the level of protection of children. You will receive a parliamentary letter on children’s rights online in which we explain the level of protection of children from extreme content.) |
BZK, OCW, VWS, EZK and JenV |
6. Strengthen “digital commons”. |
7. Develop digital public social media (PubHubs) for all public institutions and citizens. |
BZK stimulates, Public Spaces/ public parties |
To go straight to the next priority, see 2.2 Reduce the Impact of Online Disinformation.
To go back to the Track 2 overview page, see 2. Everyone Must Be Able to Trust in the Digital World.