In the following collapsible sections, you will find the results we aim to achieve in 2024 for priority 2.3 “Privacy, Responsible Data Use and Transparency Regarding Data Processing and Exchange”:
1. Investigate to what extent the application of the GDPR and Police Data Act can be improved
Investigate to what extent the application of the GDPR and Police Data Act (in Dutch, Wet politiegegevens or Wpg) can be improved in government organisations and how support can be arranged:
- Understanding how government organisations are complying with AVG. Policy response to the WODC study.
- Insight obtained into how to strengthen the FGs’ position and competencies and how to establish an FG registry and government quality requirements.
- Insight obtained into necessary privacy training for ABD members.
- A developed consideration framework that government organisations can use without obligation to assess whether a DPIA is necessary.
- Guide to integrating IAMA into the national DPIA model.
- KIA delivered.
Implementor (by whom, with whom): JenV, BZK
2. Clarity within authorities and government agencies about what is technically possible
Create clarity within authorities and government agencies about what is technically possible, permitted by law and ethically desirable when it comes to data use:
- The Responsible Data Use Advisory Function advises on cases and continues to develop into an inter-governmental triage desk.
Implementor (by whom, with whom): BZK, implementing organisations, JenV, all other ministries, VNG, IPO, UvW
3. Develop and establish a federated data system with a gatekeeping role
- The National Innovation Centre for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (Nicpet) is established.
- See priority 4.2 “Improve Data Management for Citizens and Organisations”.
Implementor (by whom, with whom): BZK en JenV (for NICPET), all other ministries, VNG, IPO, UvW, implementing organisations
4. Strengthen the position of and cooperation among regulators
- Improved cooperation among regulators.
- Decisions published.
- See priority 3.3 “Regulate Algorithms”.
Implementor (by whom, with whom): BZK (for algorithms), JenV (for the GDPR and Wpg), EZK
5. Examine the future-proofing of fundamental privacy and information rights
- Essay collections and symposium that deal with the future-proofing of fundamental rights in relation to new technology.
- Completion of the minister’s policy letter on future-proofing fundamental privacy and information rights.
Implementor (by whom, with whom): BZK