In addition to its involvement in the European Union (EU), the Netherlands participates in various international collaborations focusing on the digitalisation of government:
The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The OECD provides a forum where governments can work together and share experiences to find solutions to common societal challenges.
Collaborating with governments is necessary to understand the potential impacts of economic, social, and environmental changes. The OECD measures productivity, global trade flows, and investments. Additionally, it analyses and compares data to forecast future trends in various policy areas, such as economics, international trade, and public administration. The OECD is also involved in a wide range of topics concerning digitalisation. These topics include monitoring and reporting on developments in data security, digital accessibility, data exchange, disinformation, and children’s rights (online).
Highlighted OECD initiatives
- The OECD is involved in AI developments through various initiatives. The AI Policy Observatory tracks the impact of AI to recommend policies. The OECD also has an AI Incidents Monitor that records and analyses negative outcomes of AI.
- In 2014, the OECD adopted recommendations on Digital Government strategies. Furthermore, the OECD consults with member states and Senior Digital Government Officials (e-leaders).
- The OECD Going Digital Toolkit visualises the digitalisation levels of all participating countries across various themes.
United Nations
The United Nations (UN) has an intergovernmental structure. This implies a collaboration among 193 member states. The foundation of the UN is established in the ‘Charter of the United Nations’. This document specifies the rights and duties of member states and outlines the bodies and procedures of the UN.
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has set up the Digital Strategy 2022-2025. This strategy focuses on accelerating development goals and enhancing digital networks and ecosystems within UNDP projects. The UN compiles the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), based on different member states. This index reflects telecommunications infrastructure, human capital, and the availability of digital services. There is also an e-participation index. The report has been published every two years since 2008.
Highlighted UN initiatives
- The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) focuses on modern ICT. The main goal of the ITU is to protect everyone’s right to (tele)communication.
- The High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI) is an advisory group appointed by the UN Secretary-General to conduct analyses and make recommendations for the international governance of AI. The outcomes of HLAB-AI are meant to inform the Global Digital Compact, a component of the Pact of the Future concerning digitalisation.
- The Pact of the Future is the UN’s next step to consolidate and implement all agreements to which UN member states are committed. The Global Digital Compact is part of this Pact and is expected to set principles for digital developments and propose actions. The Pact of the Future is expected in September 2024.