Every year, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the basic registries publish an overview of data quality. The results were recently published in the report: ‘Quality information of the Key Registers System 2023’. It provides insight into the quality achieved per basic registry and the standards used for each.
The Key Registers System is of great importance for government services. It contains essential data such as addresses, people, businesses and geo-information that are compulsorily used in many government processes. For example, when granting benefits or licences. This makes it imperative that this data is of high quality. For many years, data quality has been maintained at a high level within the system. The new report provides detailed insight into the current data quality. And shows how it continues to develop.
Further development towards a Federative Data System
Over the next few years, the Key Register System will be further developed into a Federative Data System. For this further development, various projects are ongoing in the field of quality. Working groups are working on standardising the description of data and service quality. New data quality agreements are also being drawn up jointly. Furthermore, in the annual measurements by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on links between registries, extra checks are made and consistency with new registries is measured.