How can online government services be made simpler, more accessible and better aligned? The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) commissioned a study to examine how government portals can improve their response to users’ needs. The study’s design process, findings and recommendations are presented in the Dutch language draft ‘Ontwerptraject Gezamenlijk beeld: Overheidsbrede online dienstverlening‘. We have summarised.
Open method of working
The aim of the design process was to obtain a shared vision of government-wide online services that meet people’s needs in experiencing they are dealing with one government. To that end, a key element of the design process was the ‘open method of working’. This research method welcomes professionals and other interested parties to contribute ideas and provide feedback. Throughout this project, five non-governmental experts provided feedback on the process and results. This allowed for a broader perspective and alignment with practice.
Login pays off
The draft highlights the importance of a unified government perception by putting the user at the core. With that in mind, ‘login pays off’ was extensively tested by various test groups and found to be meeting this need; by logging in, information and services become more relevant and inclusive. For example, login enables personalised contact preferences, making it easier for people (including those with disabilities) to participate. Personalised, relevant information and services can also be displayed more coherently and offered more proactively. Finally, ‘Login pays off’ offers a more seamless experience where people are in control.
Learning process
The design process is meant to be a learning process providing an impetus for the development of the one-government experience. It should provide openings to discuss the (further) development of a one-government ecosystem and government-wide portals. One of the main recommendations is to keep experimenting with ‘Login pays off’ and to do so from a shared central vision, in co-creation with citizens, entrepreneurs, government employees and experts from relevant authorities.
The researchers mainly focused on ‘’ the Dutch version of ‘‘, and The study was conducted by Perspective, a research and design agency.