The spread of disinformation has increased in recent years, partly due to the emergence of generative AI, both in scope and intensity. Therefore, as of June 2024, new measures have been implemented to tackle disinformation. In 2017 the previous administration initiated the first policy to address this issue.
New measures
- A reporting facility, dispute resolution body and knowledge centre will be introduced. This should allow citizens to submit disputes about content moderation decisions, made by online platforms.
- The BENEDMO consortium will receive an additional grant to strengthen the fact-checker network in the Netherlands. BENEDMO is a Flemish-Dutch collaboration against disinformation, for and by fact-checkers, media professionals, scientists and other experts.
- Measures are being taken:
- to combat disseminators and spread of disinformation;
- to strengthen citizen resilience;
- for knowledge development and effective handling of disinformation.
Key focus areas
The following four focus areas have been identified as critical for protecting against the risks of disinformation spread:
- Crucial democratic processes, including elections
- Public health, including mental health and vaccinations
- Social and societal stability
- Commitment to (international) security and stability
More information
Interested in learning more about how the Dutch government is working to reduce the impact of online disinformation? Check out the Values-Driven Digitalisation Work Agenda on this topic.