5 Tips on How to Act During a Cyber Incident
Cyber incidents can potentially strike anyone. Crisis Expert Jori Kalkman (Netherlands Defence Academy) provides 5 tips on how to respond during a cyber incident.
European Council Adopts Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
This law strengthens digital security in the EU through strict security requirements for digital products. This CRA is a next step in the fight against cybercrime.
Publishing Standards for Quantum-secure Cryptography
The NIST has published 3 standards for quantum-secure cryptography. Use these to prepare your migration plan to quantum-secure cryptography.
Subsidy for Strengthening Cyber Resilience Partnerships
Do you have a good collaborative idea for improving the cyber resilience of companies and organizations in your industry, sector, region or chain? Submit your project.
The National Coverage System Becomes the Cyber Resilience Network
This network aims to improve digital resilience through public-private collaboration. Learn about the future vision to strengthen cybersecurity and cooperation across sectors.
Basic Guide ‘Recovery from a Cyber Incident’
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released a guide to help organisations recover from cyber incidents. The guide outlines four key steps to take. Read further to find out what they are.
Participate: NIS2 and CER Implementation Consultation
Contribute to the online public consultation for the Dutch Cybersecurity and Critical Entities Resilience acts. The consultation period is open from 21 May to 2 July 2024.
Cybercheck Handbook for Supply Chain Risk
Cybercheck provides organisations with guidance on mapping out their supply chains to identify potential cyber-attack or espionage risks. The handbook is a collaborative effort by AIVD, NCSC, NCTV, and CIO Rijk.
Privacy Top 10: What You Need to Know About Privacy Protection
Privacy experts within the Information Security and Privacy Protection Center (CIP) have developed the 'Privacy Top 10' factsheet. It outlines responsible and secure handling of data and information.
New Tool to Address Digital Threats to Municipalities
The Information Security Service of Dutch Municipalities (IBD) employs a new management tool to scan for vulnerabilities and digital threats to the IT infrastructure of municipalities.
How to Handle Insider Threats?
The National Cyber Security Centre has released a publication on dealing with insider threats. The document is designed for government professionals seeking to address insider threats and those involved in establishing an insider risk policy.
Most Ransomware Victims Had No Backup in Place
The Melissa Project released the Ransomware Annual Report 2023, the focus of which were Dutch businesses and organisations with over 100 employees.